Thinking about running your first 50 mile ultra event? When you’re talking about a distance almost double a marathon, and generally over a more challenge terrain it’s hard to know what your finish time and pacing will be.
Hopefully this 50 mile pace chart will help give you some idea of working out a realistic time, but it’s important to remember that your primary aim is to complete the race, and that in itself is an amazing achievement.
The 50 mile world record was set by Jim Walmsley in 2019 with a time of 4:50:08 so it’s probably a bit optimistic to include that pacing but it’s somewhere to start these pacing charts!
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4:50 – 8:00 hours finish
Finish Time | min/mile | min/km | Mile 10 | Mile 20 | Halfway | Mile 30 | Mile 40 |
4:50:00 | 5:48 | 3:36 | 0:58:00 | 1:56:00 | 2:25:00 | 2:54:00 | 3:52:00 |
5:00:00 | 6:00 | 3:44 | 1:00:00 | 2:00:00 | 2:30:00 | 3:00:00 | 4:00:00 |
5:10:00 | 6:12 | 3:51 | 1:02:00 | 2:04:00 | 2:35:00 | 3:06:00 | 4:08:00 |
5:20:00 | 6:24 | 3:59 | 1:04:00 | 2:08:00 | 2:40:00 | 3:12:00 | 4:16:00 |
5:30:00 | 6:36 | 4:06 | 1:06:00 | 2:12:00 | 2:45:00 | 3:18:00 | 4:24:00 |
5:40:00 | 6:48 | 4:14 | 1:08:00 | 2:16:00 | 2:50:00 | 3:24:00 | 4:32:00 |
5:50:00 | 7:00 | 4:21 | 1:10:00 | 2:20:00 | 2:55:00 | 3:30:00 | 4:40:00 |
6:00:00 | 7:12 | 4:28 | 1:12:00 | 2:24:00 | 3:00:00 | 3:36:00 | 4:48:00 |
6:10:00 | 7:24 | 4:36 | 1:14:00 | 2:28:00 | 3:05:00 | 3:42:00 | 4:56:00 |
6:20:00 | 7:36 | 4:43 | 1:16:00 | 2:32:00 | 3:10:00 | 3:48:00 | 5:04:00 |
6:30:00 | 7:48 | 4:51 | 1:18:00 | 2:36:00 | 3:15:00 | 3:54:00 | 5:12:00 |
6:40:00 | 8:00 | 4:58 | 1:20:00 | 2:40:00 | 3:20:00 | 4:00:00 | 5:20:00 |
6:50:00 | 8:12 | 5:06 | 1:22:00 | 2:44:00 | 3:25:00 | 4:06:00 | 5:28:00 |
7:00:00 | 8:24 | 5:13 | 1:24:00 | 2:48:00 | 3:30:00 | 4:12:00 | 5:36:00 |
7:10:00 | 8:36 | 5:21 | 1:26:00 | 2:52:00 | 3:35:00 | 4:18:00 | 5:44:00 |
7:20:00 | 8:48 | 5:28 | 1:28:00 | 2:56:00 | 3:40:00 | 4:24:00 | 5:52:00 |
7:30:00 | 9:00 | 5:36 | 1:30:00 | 3:00:00 | 3:45:00 | 4:30:00 | 6:00:00 |
7:40:00 | 9:12 | 5:43 | 1:32:00 | 3:04:00 | 3:50:00 | 4:36:00 | 6:08:00 |
7:50:00 | 9:24 | 5:50 | 1:34:00 | 3:08:00 | 3:55:00 | 4:42:00 | 6:16:00 |
8:00:00 | 9:36 | 5:58 | 1:36:00 | 3:12:00 | 4:00:00 | 4:48:00 | 6:24:00 |
8:10 – 12:00 hours finish
Finish Time | min/mile | min/km | Mile 10 | Mile 20 | Halfway | Mile 30 | Mile 40 |
8:10:00 | 9:48 | 6:05 | 1:38:00 | 3:16:00 | 4:05:00 | 4:54:00 | 6:32:00 |
8:20:00 | 10:00 | 6:13 | 1:40:00 | 3:20:00 | 4:10:00 | 5:00:00 | 6:40:00 |
8:30:00 | 10:12 | 6:20 | 1:42:00 | 3:24:00 | 4:15:00 | 5:06:00 | 6:48:00 |
8:40:00 | 10:24 | 6:28 | 1:44:00 | 3:28:00 | 4:20:00 | 5:12:00 | 6:56:00 |
8:50:00 | 10:36 | 6:35 | 1:46:00 | 3:32:00 | 4:25:00 | 5:18:00 | 7:04:00 |
9:00:00 | 10:48 | 6:43 | 1:48:00 | 3:36:00 | 4:30:00 | 5:24:00 | 7:12:00 |
9:10:00 | 11:00 | 6:50 | 1:50:00 | 3:40:00 | 4:35:00 | 5:30:00 | 7:20:00 |
9:20:00 | 11:12 | 6:58 | 1:52:00 | 3:44:00 | 4:40:00 | 5:36:00 | 7:28:00 |
9:30:00 | 11:24 | 7:05 | 1:54:00 | 3:48:00 | 4:45:00 | 5:42:00 | 7:36:00 |
9:40:00 | 11:36 | 7:12 | 1:56:00 | 3:52:00 | 4:50:00 | 5:48:00 | 7:44:00 |
9:50:00 | 11:48 | 7:20 | 1:58:00 | 3:56:00 | 4:55:00 | 5:54:00 | 7:52:00 |
10:00:00 | 12:00 | 7:27 | 2:00:00 | 4:00:00 | 5:00:00 | 6:00:00 | 8:00:00 |
10:10:00 | 12:12 | 7:35 | 2:02:00 | 4:04:00 | 5:05:00 | 6:06:00 | 8:08:00 |
10:20:00 | 12:24 | 7:42 | 2:04:00 | 4:08:00 | 5:10:00 | 6:12:00 | 8:16:00 |
10:30:00 | 12:36 | 7:50 | 2:06:00 | 4:12:00 | 5:15:00 | 6:18:00 | 8:24:00 |
10:40:00 | 12:48 | 7:57 | 2:08:00 | 4:16:00 | 5:20:00 | 6:24:00 | 8:32:00 |
10:50:00 | 13:00 | 8:05 | 2:10:00 | 4:20:00 | 5:25:00 | 6:30:00 | 8:40:00 |
11:00:00 | 13:12 | 8:12 | 2:12:00 | 4:24:00 | 5:30:00 | 6:36:00 | 8:48:00 |
11:10:00 | 13:24 | 8:20 | 2:14:00 | 4:28:00 | 5:35:00 | 6:42:00 | 8:56:00 |
11:20:00 | 13:36 | 8:27 | 2:16:00 | 4:32:00 | 5:40:00 | 6:48:00 | 9:04:00 |
11:30:00 | 13:48 | 8:34 | 2:18:00 | 4:36:00 | 5:45:00 | 6:54:00 | 9:12:00 |
11:40:00 | 14:00 | 8:42 | 2:20:00 | 4:40:00 | 5:50:00 | 7:00:00 | 9:20:00 |
11:50:00 | 14:12 | 8:49 | 2:22:00 | 4:44:00 | 5:55:00 | 7:06:00 | 9:28:00 |
12:00:00 | 14:24 | 8:57 | 2:24:00 | 4:48:00 | 6:00:00 | 7:12:00 | 9:36:00 |
12:10 – 16:00 hours finish
Finish Time | min/mile | min/km | Mile 10 | Mile 20 | Halfway | Mile 30 | Mile 40 |
12:10:00 | 14:36 | 9:04 | 2:26:00 | 4:52:00 | 6:05:00 | 7:18:00 | 9:44:00 |
12:20:00 | 14:48 | 9:12 | 2:28:00 | 4:56:00 | 6:10:00 | 7:24:00 | 9:52:00 |
12:30:00 | 15:00 | 9:19 | 2:30:00 | 5:00:00 | 6:15:00 | 7:30:00 | 10:00:00 |
12:40:00 | 15:12 | 9:27 | 2:32:00 | 5:04:00 | 6:20:00 | 7:36:00 | 10:08:00 |
12:50:00 | 15:24 | 9:34 | 2:34:00 | 5:08:00 | 6:25:00 | 7:42:00 | 10:16:00 |
13:00:00 | 15:36 | 9:42 | 2:36:00 | 5:12:00 | 6:30:00 | 7:48:00 | 10:24:00 |
13:10:00 | 15:48 | 9:49 | 2:38:00 | 5:16:00 | 6:35:00 | 7:54:00 | 10:32:00 |
13:20:00 | 16:00 | 9:57 | 2:40:00 | 5:20:00 | 6:40:00 | 8:00:00 | 10:40:00 |
13:30:00 | 16:12 | 10:04 | 2:42:00 | 5:24:00 | 6:45:00 | 8:06:00 | 10:48:00 |
13:40:00 | 16:24 | 10:11 | 2:44:00 | 5:28:00 | 6:50:00 | 8:12:00 | 10:56:00 |
13:50:00 | 16:36 | 10:19 | 2:46:00 | 5:32:00 | 6:55:00 | 8:18:00 | 11:04:00 |
14:00:00 | 16:48 | 10:26 | 2:48:00 | 5:36:00 | 7:00:00 | 8:24:00 | 11:12:00 |
14:10:00 | 17:00 | 10:34 | 2:50:00 | 5:40:00 | 7:05:00 | 8:30:00 | 11:20:00 |
14:20:00 | 17:12 | 10:41 | 2:52:00 | 5:44:00 | 7:10:00 | 8:36:00 | 11:28:00 |
14:30:00 | 17:24 | 10:49 | 2:54:00 | 5:48:00 | 7:15:00 | 8:42:00 | 11:36:00 |
14:40:00 | 17:36 | 10:56 | 2:56:00 | 5:52:00 | 7:20:00 | 8:48:00 | 11:44:00 |
14:50:00 | 17:48 | 11:04 | 2:58:00 | 5:56:00 | 7:25:00 | 8:54:00 | 11:52:00 |
15:00:00 | 18:00 | 11:11 | 3:00:00 | 6:00:00 | 7:30:00 | 9:00:00 | 12:00:00 |
15:10:00 | 18:12 | 11:19 | 3:02:00 | 6:04:00 | 7:35:00 | 9:06:00 | 12:08:00 |
15:20:00 | 18:24 | 11:26 | 3:04:00 | 6:08:00 | 7:40:00 | 9:12:00 | 12:16:00 |
15:30:00 | 18:36 | 11:33 | 3:06:00 | 6:12:00 | 7:45:00 | 9:18:00 | 12:24:00 |
15:40:00 | 18:48 | 11:41 | 3:08:00 | 6:16:00 | 7:50:00 | 9:24:00 | 12:32:00 |
15:50:00 | 19:00 | 11:48 | 3:10:00 | 6:20:00 | 7:55:00 | 9:30:00 | 12:40:00 |
16:00:00 | 19:12 | 11:56 | 3:12:00 | 6:24:00 | 8:00:00 | 9:36:00 | 12:48:00 |
16:10 – 20:00 hours finish
Finish Time | min/mile | min/km | Mile 10 | Mile 20 | Halfway | Mile 30 | Mile 40 |
16:10:00 | 19:24 | 12:03 | 3:14:00 | 6:28:00 | 8:05:00 | 9:42:00 | 12:56:00 |
16:20:00 | 19:36 | 12:11 | 3:16:00 | 6:32:00 | 8:10:00 | 9:48:00 | 13:04:00 |
16:30:00 | 19:48 | 12:18 | 3:18:00 | 6:36:00 | 8:15:00 | 9:54:00 | 13:12:00 |
16:40:00 | 20:00 | 12:26 | 3:20:00 | 6:40:00 | 8:20:00 | 10:00:00 | 13:20:00 |
16:50:00 | 20:12 | 12:33 | 3:22:00 | 6:44:00 | 8:25:00 | 10:06:00 | 13:28:00 |
17:00:00 | 20:24 | 12:41 | 3:24:00 | 6:48:00 | 8:30:00 | 10:12:00 | 13:36:00 |
17:10:00 | 20:36 | 12:48 | 3:26:00 | 6:52:00 | 8:35:00 | 10:18:00 | 13:44:00 |
17:20:00 | 20:48 | 12:55 | 3:28:00 | 6:56:00 | 8:40:00 | 10:24:00 | 13:52:00 |
17:30:00 | 21:00 | 13:03 | 3:30:00 | 7:00:00 | 8:45:00 | 10:30:00 | 14:00:00 |
17:40:00 | 21:12 | 13:10 | 3:32:00 | 7:04:00 | 8:50:00 | 10:36:00 | 14:08:00 |
17:50:00 | 21:24 | 13:18 | 3:34:00 | 7:08:00 | 8:55:00 | 10:42:00 | 14:16:00 |
18:00:00 | 21:36 | 13:25 | 3:36:00 | 7:12:00 | 9:00:00 | 10:48:00 | 14:24:00 |
18:10:00 | 21:48 | 13:33 | 3:38:00 | 7:16:00 | 9:05:00 | 10:54:00 | 14:32:00 |
18:20:00 | 22:00 | 13:40 | 3:40:00 | 7:20:00 | 9:10:00 | 11:00:00 | 14:40:00 |
18:30:00 | 22:12 | 13:48 | 3:42:00 | 7:24:00 | 9:15:00 | 11:06:00 | 14:48:00 |
18:40:00 | 22:24 | 13:55 | 3:44:00 | 7:28:00 | 9:20:00 | 11:12:00 | 14:56:00 |
18:50:00 | 22:36 | 14:03 | 3:46:00 | 7:32:00 | 9:25:00 | 11:18:00 | 15:04:00 |
19:00:00 | 22:48 | 14:10 | 3:48:00 | 7:36:00 | 9:30:00 | 11:24:00 | 15:12:00 |
19:10:00 | 23:00 | 14:17 | 3:50:00 | 7:40:00 | 9:35:00 | 11:30:00 | 15:20:00 |
19:20:00 | 23:12 | 14:25 | 3:52:00 | 7:44:00 | 9:40:00 | 11:36:00 | 15:28:00 |
19:30:00 | 23:24 | 14:32 | 3:54:00 | 7:48:00 | 9:45:00 | 11:42:00 | 15:36:00 |
19:40:00 | 23:36 | 14:40 | 3:56:00 | 7:52:00 | 9:50:00 | 11:48:00 | 15:44:00 |
19:50:00 | 23:48 | 14:47 | 3:58:00 | 7:56:00 | 9:55:00 | 11:54:00 | 15:52:00 |
20:00:00 | 24:00 | 14:55 | 4:00:00 | 8:00:00 | 10:00:00 | 12:00:00 | 16:00:00 |
20:10 – 24:00 hours finish
Finish Time | min/mile | min/km | Mile 10 | Mile 20 | Halfway | Mile 30 | Mile 40 |
20:10:00 | 24:12 | 15:02 | 4:02:00 | 8:04:00 | 10:05:00 | 12:06:00 | 16:08:00 |
20:20:00 | 24:24 | 15:10 | 4:04:00 | 8:08:00 | 10:10:00 | 12:12:00 | 16:16:00 |
20:30:00 | 24:36 | 15:17 | 4:06:00 | 8:12:00 | 10:15:00 | 12:18:00 | 16:24:00 |
20:40:00 | 24:48 | 15:25 | 4:08:00 | 8:16:00 | 10:20:00 | 12:24:00 | 16:32:00 |
20:50:00 | 25:00 | 15:32 | 4:10:00 | 8:20:00 | 10:25:00 | 12:30:00 | 16:40:00 |
21:00:00 | 25:12 | 15:40 | 4:12:00 | 8:24:00 | 10:30:00 | 12:36:00 | 16:48:00 |
21:10:00 | 25:24 | 15:47 | 4:14:00 | 8:28:00 | 10:35:00 | 12:42:00 | 16:56:00 |
21:20:00 | 25:36 | 15:54 | 4:16:00 | 8:32:00 | 10:40:00 | 12:48:00 | 17:04:00 |
21:30:00 | 25:48 | 16:02 | 4:18:00 | 8:36:00 | 10:45:00 | 12:54:00 | 17:12:00 |
21:40:00 | 26:00 | 16:09 | 4:20:00 | 8:40:00 | 10:50:00 | 13:00:00 | 17:20:00 |
21:50:00 | 26:12 | 16:17 | 4:22:00 | 8:44:00 | 10:55:00 | 13:06:00 | 17:28:00 |
22:00:00 | 26:24 | 16:24 | 4:24:00 | 8:48:00 | 11:00:00 | 13:12:00 | 17:36:00 |
22:10:00 | 26:36 | 16:32 | 4:26:00 | 8:52:00 | 11:05:00 | 13:18:00 | 17:44:00 |
22:20:00 | 26:48 | 16:39 | 4:28:00 | 8:56:00 | 11:10:00 | 13:24:00 | 17:52:00 |
22:30:00 | 27:00 | 16:47 | 4:30:00 | 9:00:00 | 11:15:00 | 13:30:00 | 18:00:00 |
22:40:00 | 27:12 | 16:54 | 4:32:00 | 9:04:00 | 11:20:00 | 13:36:00 | 18:08:00 |
22:50:00 | 27:24 | 17:02 | 4:34:00 | 9:08:00 | 11:25:00 | 13:42:00 | 18:16:00 |
23:00:00 | 27:36 | 17:09 | 4:36:00 | 9:12:00 | 11:30:00 | 13:48:00 | 18:24:00 |
23:10:00 | 27:48 | 17:16 | 4:38:00 | 9:16:00 | 11:35:00 | 13:54:00 | 18:32:00 |
23:20:00 | 28:00 | 17:24 | 4:40:00 | 9:20:00 | 11:40:00 | 14:00:00 | 18:40:00 |
23:30:00 | 28:12 | 17:31 | 4:42:00 | 9:24:00 | 11:45:00 | 14:06:00 | 18:48:00 |
23:40:00 | 28:24 | 17:39 | 4:44:00 | 9:28:00 | 11:50:00 | 14:12:00 | 18:56:00 |
23:50:00 | 28:36 | 17:46 | 4:46:00 | 9:32:00 | 11:55:00 | 14:18:00 | 19:04:00 |
0:00:00 | 28:48 | 17:54 | 4:48:00 | 9:36:00 | 12:00:00 | 14:24:00 | 19:12:00 |
Aid stations will affect your pace
During ultra events there will be aid stations along the route where runners can refuel, top up their water, pick-up some food, go to the toilet, or even sit down rest your legs for a few minutes.
That all sounds great and also gives you targets to aim for to break up the run, but be aware of the time you spend at each of these as these stops can drastically affect your average pace and your finish time.
Aid stations can be anything from 5-10 miles apart on an ultra course, and the Lakeland 50 for example has 6 aid stations. Spending 10 minutes at each will add an hour onto your 50 mile finish time, so think about what you really need to do at each station.
Finish first, worry about pace second
Completing a 50 mile ultra is a real achievement so focus on that in the first instance, especially if it’s your first 50 miler. Run your own pace informed by your training runs and don’t be afraid to walk up hills… nearly everyone does!
50 miles is a long way and there are bound to be a few hiccups along the way that affect your pace. That could range from bad weather, sorting out an issue with your clothing, or ‘undulating’ terrain. No race is going to be perfect and once you accept that you’ll be able to stress less and actually enjoy your run.